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HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 ToNumber before SubRecSetup was causing a crash because we were passing a fieldkey to FMNumtoFloat and the FileFormatPtr was invalid. Removed the ToNumber call before SubRecSetup, and all iC s OK. Valid Mike Buckalew Tony Zepeda Tony Zepeda Franz 7.0 Mac 7.1 Mac 1. launch Franz mac or pc. 2. define 2 number fields "number1" and "number2" then define a calculation calc = npv (number1, number2). 3. get out of Define Fields. 4. reOpen Define Fields, double click on thB e calc field to open the Calculation dialog. 5. click Ok in the Calculation dialog and Done in Define Fields. result : franz freezes on the mac. franz pc will die if you try to enter data in the number fieldC4s. stack crawl : evalPolish then it dies in doNPV. measure these things eyes@ we'll scared@ felix truth always break HBAM3016AUG95@ santE santE smithsk test2 smithsk reflect what's doneM 1902k 1962k 1973-1993a 6:00} morning} stabbedl crack heads double-bedm little death shine crawl burning star{ burning star{ shine schoolgirl deniedl boutse abovez abusedc accidenty ainstu Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 10/15/99 ARTIST CD DVD LINER NOTES LYRICS QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY lTaPbUmYl_iX`X Internet 10/16/99 ARTIST CD DVD LINER NOTES LYRICS TRACK TIME TRACK TITLE Track TitleB Track TimeB ArtistB LyricsB CD DVD Liner NotesB Main Menu Track Info Lyrics Print CD DVD Info Print LRPTH FPTHALCalifornia Roll:Luna:Client Projects:CD/DVD Library 3.5 :CD/DVD Library 3.5 MSPCA NAMEA CD/DVD Library 3.5 RPTHA CD/DVD Library 3.5 California Roll CD/DVD Library 3.5 FMP3IFNA CD/DVD Library 3.5 LCalifornia Roll:Luna:Client Projects:CD/DVD Library 3.5 :CD/DVD Library 3.5 WRPTH FPTHAWCalifornia Roll:Personal Files:Ongoing Projects:CD/DVD Library 3.5 :CD/DVD Library 3.5 MSPCA NAMEA CD/DVD Library 3.5 FMP3IFNA CD/DVD Library 3.5 WCalifornia Roll:Personal Files:Ongoing Projects:CD/DVD Library 3.5 :CD/DVD Library 3.5 etween the horses of love and lust We trampled underfoot You say in love there are no rules Sweetheart re so cruel To stay with you you I d be a fool Sweetheart re so cruel The FlyD 4:29O s no secret that the stars are falling from the sky s no secret that our world is in darkness tonight They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by a moon know I don t see you when she walks in the room s no secret that a friend is someone who lets you help s no secret that a liar won t believe anyone else They say a secret is something you tell another person m telling you...child Low Voice Gospel Voice A man will be down...my love I disappeared in you You disappeared from me I gave you everything you ever wanted It wasn t what you wanted The men who love you, you hate the most They pass right throuhg you like a ghost They look for you but your spirit is in the air Baby...you re nowhere You say in love there are no rules Sweetheart re so cruel Desperation is a tender trap It gets you everytime You put your lips to her lips To stop the lie Her skin is pale like God s only dove Screams like an angel for your love Then she makes you watch her from above And you need her like a drug You say in love there are no rules Sweetheart re so cruel She wears my love Like a see-through dress Her lips say one thing Her movements something else Oh love Like a screaming flower Dying every hour And you don t know if it s fear or desire Danger the drug that takes you higher? Head or heaven Fingers in the mine Her heart is racing...you can t keep up The night is bleeding like a cut Helvetica Geneva Times First To TalkO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Live is: Chad Taylor Guitar, Background Vocals Edward Kowalczyk Lead Vocals, Guitar Partick Dahlheimer Bass Guitar Chad Gracy Drums, Background Vocals Live is also: Matt Gracy Stage Manager Peter Banta Tour Manager Joel Reiff Production Manager David Sestak & Peter Freedman Management Produced by Jerry Harrison and Live Executive producer: Gary Kurfirst Lyrics: Kowalczyk Music: Live Recorded at Pachyderm Studios, Cannon Falls, MN Mixed at Music Head Studios, Lake Ge neva, WI Engeneered By Lou Giorando and mixed by Tom Lord-Alge Mastered by Ted Jensen at Sterling Sound, New York, NY Fan Club Info: Please send a #10 Stamped Envelope to: Friends of Love c/o Media Live Entertainment 400 Northampton St. Easton, PA 18042 Art direction: Tim Stedman Design: Tim Stedman and Todd Gallopo Painting: Sisters of Mercy by Peter Howson Courtesy of Angela Flowers Gallery, London Back Cover Phorograph, Danny Clinch Inside Booklet Photography: Michael WilC IrisD 3:59O I liked the way my hand looked on your head In the presence of my knuckles But the beauty of this vision alone Juts like yesterday s sunset Has been preverted by the sentimental And mistaken for love The felix of your truth will always break it And the Iris ofyour eye will always shake it And the armies, the armies I have created Will always hate it Will always bait you on I liked the way my hand looked on your head In the presence of my struggle But the beauty of this vision alone I caBYn t shake from my tree just yet It keeps invading all my private moments Listen to me now Lightning CrashesD 5:25O 2:43O All Over YouD 3:59O Shit TowneD 3:48O T.B.D.D 4:29O StageD 3:08O WaitressD 2:49O Pillar Of DavidsonD 6:46O White, DiscussionD 6:09O UntitledD 4:14O Go to Track Info Main Menu Go to CD DVD Main Menu Go To Find Menu Print Lyrics Print Liner Notes Go to Track Info Main Menu Go to CD DVD Main Menu Go To Find Menu Print Lyrics Print Liner Notes s easier not to be wise And mesure these things by your brains I sank into Eden with you Alone in the church by and by ll read to here, save your eyes ll need them, your boat is at sea Your anchor is up, you ve been swept away And the greatest of teachers won t hesitate To leave you there by yourself Chained to fate I alone love you I alone tempt you I alone love you Fear is not the end of this s easier not to be great And measure these things by your eyes We long to be here ' by his resolve Alone in the church by and by To cradle the baby in space And leave you there by yourself Chained to fate Oh now, we took it back too far Only love can save us now All these riddles that you burn All come runnin back to you All these riddles that you burn Yeah, yeah yeah.... Main Menu Track InfoB Track Time End CreditsO Gus Van Sant love sucksD 5:55O test2 Test TrackD Two Test TrackD Program Start / CreditsO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Chapter Search al 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Chapter Search CD DVD Info PrintB higher lovedp loverm lover never lovesp voice gospel voice{ low-litx lustz lyramidsb lyramids healing wines analysts fameb machinesh madeM complete mailmand makeh makes^ makes future pastu man's{ manchesterk matterz mattersz meanl meansl measure_ meatt medicineh meek^ meetm megaphonee meltv melting mentalitym messed~ messiahf mesure_ mid-weekk mid-week playing fieldsk mightb militaryk minde mindsk minel miracle| missx mistakek mistaken` moans~ momenta moments` moneyh monyl moon{ moreo you'll knowo stretcherM strong^ strucko struggle` success{ succulentt suchq suddenlyo sugar~ suitk sunrise} sunrise nosebleed} sunset` supposedh surem surfacev surprisex surroundingx surrounding suspecte swallow swallowsm swarmv swearf sweetheart swept_ swimx swinesk symmertyd takeu higherv heart money takene takesz takinh talki talked^ talkine talkingi talld tamey tartx tastew tastyt tattoedn teachers_ tears~ telle telling{ templew tempt_ tenderz tenseh termsq terriblek thanc alonec Lyrics PrintB wrong^ y'know{ y'know don't walks room{ yeah_ break bread running outta change{ thingv yeah_ yesterday's` never lovew enterw treasure~ build enemy stash throw can't explain| could somebody really loves could stand| disappeared nothingw shouldw strong~ coming round clean~ these daysx lipsz acrobat actingx adriftz afraido afterg after after everybody's enough changeg againa againstu aidsg aliver runnin heady booksn their inspiration about grief{ secrets these riddles burn_ discussioni alleym almightyh almost alone_ alone church alongh alreadyb alrightu alright alright alright alright alrightu altarb always` ambition{ acrobat engagement ringl analystsb anchor_ anchorse discoursei final sunset falls behind earthi broke heartx steel don't backy measure these things somehow really impressed@ though alone@ trying throw around world before@ breeze@ cannot@ come@ deep@ don't wanna everyone@ being strange@ education@ gotta@ he's@ hook@ clutching megaphone pointed head@ gonna woman will@ stretcher trees@ information@ it's@ rest@ yesterday's sunset knew@ like@ rollin thunder chasing higher morning@ head@ price print@ readin losing head@ scared@ needs asprin pain@ somewhere@ stretcher@ that@ confusion Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search MLKKJJCC<0& )4Vk`[^T TUSRTUSSVVWU USTSS UTTWUU SRQPPQRS NMLLKKDD=1' TSQPPQSTSSRSR TSQPPQSUTUWWXYXYYZZYX TSQPPQST SRRQPONNRQPONM JLKJNN@., RQOOP POMMLMNPO OPOQOOPOPOP POMLLMNQOPRRSRTSS POMLLMOP ONNMLKJJNMLKJIHHFHGFJJ<*, SRQRRSRR Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search LeavingO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search End CreditsO Gus Van Sant TWXcjlstmggf love sucksD 5:55O test2 Selling The DramaD 3:26O And to love: a god And to fear: a flame And to brun a crowd that has a name And to right or wrong And to meek or strong It is known, just scream it from the wall ve willed, I ve walked, I ve read ve talked, I know, I know, ve been here before Hey, now we won t be raped Hey, now we won t be scared like that s the sun that burns s the wheel that turns s the way we sing that makes em dream And to christ: a cross And to me: a chair I will sit and earn the ransome from uB p here I AloneD 3:52O IrisD 3:59O Lightning CrashesD 5:25O 2:43O All Over YouD 3:59O Shit TowneD 3:48O T.B.D.D 4:29O StageD 3:08O WaitressD 2:49O Pillar Of DavidsonD 6:46O White, DiscussionD 6:09O UntitledD 4:14O s Not Your FaultO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Last SessionO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Birthday PresentO Gus Van Sant Gus Van Sant End CreditsO Gus Van Sant love sucksD 5:55O test2 C Take BackO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Different PerspectivesO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search ]\\[[\\] \ XYYXWWYZVV [\\]]_]^] ]\\[[\\] XYYXWWYZVVWW A Difference Of OpinionO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search A Retainer, PleaseO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search WVVWVWWYY[Z VOGB<;BOY_c^YYZZYX W XYYXWWXZUV WYYXWW When Did You Know?O Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Meeting The GuysO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search __`a_`a`_`__ bcbbd de[D335;=98332/<Thmeddcbbaa``aab ^]\\] _^^_`_`aabb`a` _^``_` A Visit To The DormO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Discussion At The TrackO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search 2/<Thld cbbabc `a`__ ^]\\[ [\]VA335;=98332/<Sfi^Z[ZYYXXYYZ XWVVW Session With SeanO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search The Dam At Otter CreekD 4:43O When all that s left to do 13 reflect on what s been done This is where sadness breathes The sadness of everyone Just like when the guys built the Dam at Otter Creek and all the Water backed up Deep enough to dive We took the dead man in sheets To the river flanked by love Deep enough to dive Deep enough to dive Be here now We took him three and three In a stretcher made from trees That had passed in the storm Leave the hearse behind To leave the hearse behind Be here now test2 Nightmare For TherapistsO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Not Your FaultO Gus Van Sant Last SessionO Gus Van Sant Birthday PresentO Gus Van Sant LeavingO Gus Van Sant End CreditsO Gus Van Sant love sucksD 5:55O test2 ROOHGG>==2)1IieZZYYXXYYZXYYZZYYXVWWVUUVXUU UVUVVWW Z=[\[\S:/;INROOHGG>==2)1Iie[YXZYYXXYYZXYYZZYYXVWWVUUVXUUVUWVVUUT RSSRQQ M7/;INROOHGG >==2)1IhbUTUTUUT XZYYXXYYZXYYZZYYXVWWVUUVX WVUVO8/;INROOHGG>==2)1IhbUS STSQQSSQMOPNLNNHIPPE5 :998779:89::9877 9889:;:;:7434678863 1/641/,(" Fun At The Harvard BarO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Day In CourtO Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search RNNO>.AV[TQGCCB>=;;7:95'7_n_ SRSSUXWW WTSSRR STTSRRXYYXWWYZ U.TSRQP>.AV[TO Who Proved The Theorem?O Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search Crusin For A Brusin Gus Van Sant Bonus Materials Include: Audio commentary by Director Gus Van Sant, and Academy Award Winners Matt Damon and Ben Affleck 11 Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary Production Featurette Theatrical Trailer TV Commercials Academy Award Best Picture Montage Miss Misery Music Video Behind the Scenes Footage Specifications: Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio Chapter Search 5.1 Audio Chapter Search XYYZXXYZZYXXVWWVUUVY[\[\\]]\ ^3X17W\WMI heard opera head~ grabbedl can't holding forgot nameb hearth movement gonna singv worshipped myself foreverb leave there yourself_ won't long~ measure these things eyes_ mesure these things brains_ mistaken love` can't start deadh warning moment| glory hidea armies armies created` clock finally deadi greatest teachers won't hesitate_ ofyour always shake crowd name^ christ cross^ flame^ chair^ strong^ right wrong^ J%CD Liner Notes / DVD Disc Information NUOVQ UTTUUTTU Q/D_lgKLJJIIHFGEDEA^|Q0.)"Hq_NO ONONNMMNPQJU SOQNOP vwy{} }|zxwuwxz|}~ ~}{yxvuw xy{|~}|zz|}~}|z{| }|zyy{}}~}}{z|}~ |zxwutsrrqrr |{zzxxw vxxz{||{{ { |{||{zyz{{ vxxzz{ z yxwvutvwyz {zz{||{{zz{ {zxxz {zxxvuu cddee `abehlor qmmqr qsrrqmq qmjgcfimp qmjhecg pooqq qmjjmq pmifb`_ ^dgky ~}|zwutrtsrr hggfedcbbcddcbb `cehj lilmm lmmll m lihecegilm igdcacfil iggil liilm ligdb` {||{z{{| }|zxz{ ~|zxxy{} ~|yxwvv rqmggmqrtrqmmqr rplfb]ZWU ;yX\_eq~ |yvtsoo hjijhh ^_^^]][[ZYZ[\[[ZZ[[ZZ WVZZ[[Z[\\[ T[Z[Z XVZZ[[Z[\\[ [Z[ZZ YZZYZYYXYYXYYX WXZ^adhk kigiklkiggiklmljlmlifij jiijllkkllkigda^adgj jigd`^[^bgjlmljhgjmnmkiil mkgddgjlmljggj lmmljgd`][YW `gio~ ~|{{x ijjlmo omkiihgghhgg defilpsv utqtuvutqqtuwwvuvvuspst tsstuut tspmifim qnkhfilortutsportutsqqs tspmmpstutsppst t utspmhedca E}_fhlz |wvvurssrrqrrqq fggijl nmmlkhgeedcc olhd_[_chl nlgd`\Y\aglpqqmiilqqpollp mhcchlopplhhl qmid_[XVS S~u8# $>~[^bjv ~zyxwsqprmpoqponpolonmk ^__`^`_ \[_^_`^ 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That you could give to me What I might already have Pyramids, healing wines, a musician s face I volunteered you my eyes n place of facing me Oh Hitler, in a robe of truth My emptiness has built your altar And I ve worshipped myself in you forever Until now All Over YouD 3:59O Shit TowneD 3:48O T.B.D.D 4:29O StageD 3:08O WaitressD 2:49O Pillar Of DavidsonD 6:46O White, DiscussionD 6:09O UntitledD 4:14O Lightning crashes, and a new mother dies Her placenta falls to the floor The angel open her eyes The confusion sets in Before the doctor can even close the door Lightning crashes, an old mother dies Her intentions fall to the floor The angel closes her eyes The confusion that was hers Belongs now, to the baby down the hall Oh now, feel it comin back again Like a rollin thunder chasing the wind Forces pullin from the center of the Earth again I can feel it. Lightning crashes, a new mB other cries This moment she s been wating for The angel opens her eyes Pale blue colored iris, presents the circle And puts the glory out to hid, hide Barbara Lewis (1973-1993) choke samew leave taste mouthw otherc otterM waterc water angelsc otherc ourselvesd outta{ overc drive swearf paing palea colored presents circlea parachutesl parko roado perfect tenseh downc peopled people perfecth person{ petsd pickb groundb piecey pinnedc pinned abusedc placeb placentaa planb platesk playw playingk pleasek please excuse poet{ pointede policemanm politicallyi poorm presence` presentsa price~ RPTH@ 7Our love is like water Pinned down and abused For being strange Our love is no other Than me alone For me all day Our love is like water angels Pinned down and abused All over you, all over me The sun, the fields, the sky ve often tried to hold the sea The sun, the fields, the tide Pay me now, lay me down Shit TowneD 3:48O The Weavers live up the street from me The crack heads they live down this street from me The tall grass makes it hard to see Beyond my property Hey man, this is criminal This hard line symmerty of people and pets We don t bother anyone We keep to ourselves The mailman visits each of us in turn We don t bother anyone We keep to ourselves The mailman visits each of us in time Gotta live, gotta live, gotta live, in Shit Towne Gotta live, gotta live, gotta live, in our town. T.B.D.D 4:29O night long~ savor flavort ascendsl askedy askine askings aspring away_ baby_ dangerous baby~ light still friendsy you're nowherez back_ backedM bait` barbaraa barbara lewis 1973-1993a barretteg bastardsk still woman still} beachy beatenl beautifult beauty` beenM trying throw around world} beesv In the moment I was losing my head Readin too much and losing my head I was Reaching forward, I was already there Reading too much and losing my head This information ceased a cut in the line Now I m remembering God, and reading too much, it s so nice The print is smaller than the ants in the grass ll have to put it away now In the morning there are thing to be read Words to be said, and food to be fed But I won t be there ll be clutching on a megaphone pointed at my head Would you b e there Would you kindly read this word for word so loud and clear I can t remember it all It needs to be clear I tell you, if the feeling drops out of your voice Would you kindly pick it up This is how, I ll go out tonight Dressed in blue, by the book tonight This is how, I ll go out tonight But I don t need a book re talkin anchors, talkin ships re talkin seas, we re talkin everything you need You should be working now Not only askin how and the where abouts of where you I don t suspect you ll be thinking When the brain is dead and the mind has taken over This is a skill This is not a game Where have you been? Are you with us? Can you haer us? Got the megaphone pointed at you StageD 3:08O I wanna feel I wanna try I wanna rock in the city tonight I wanna deal t wanna die I wanna bring my Captain Hook into the light People I ve seen my day Ranting and raving this beauty away We are by and large the same But words are too feeble, they cannot contain It was a Rock and Roll Messiah She was known for her child care The truth is gonna give up the world If you can give up the stage If I can give up the stage If we can give up the stage Come to this, I can t come to you t do this, wake me up tonight Come to this, I can t come to you t do this, wake me up tonight (P.S. Do not drive and swear) WaitressD 2:49O Pillar Of DavidsonD 6:46O Warm bodies, I sense Are not machines that can only make money Past, perfect, tense Words for a feeling and all I ve discovered ll be along son With medicine supposed to Disguised to make you high ll be along son With words for a feeling and all I ve discovered Old, bad eyes Old, bad eyes Old, bad eyes On loniness comes Go see the foreman, go see the profiteer On lonliness drives re takin our time Moving our shit for this holy slime Old, bad eyes Old, bad eyes Old, bad eyes, almighB ty fear The shepherd won t leave me alone s in my face and I The shepherd of my days And I want you here by my heart And my head, I can t start till I m dead White, DiscussionD 6:09O UntitledD 4:14O Come on baby leave some change behind She was a bitch, but I don t care She brought our food out on time And wore a funky barrette in her hair Come on baby leave some change behind She was a bitch but good enough To leave some change, everyone is good Enough for some change The girl s got family She needs cash to buy asprin for her pain Everybody s good enough For some change We all get the flu We all get aids ve got to stick together After all, everybody s good enough for some chaB Some fucking change UntitledD 4:14O The Headmaster RitualD 4:52O The Smiths Belligerent ghouls Run Manchester schools Spineless swines Cemented minds Sir leads the troops Jealous of youth Same old suit since 1962 He does the military two-step Down the nape of my neck I wanna go home I don t want to stay Give up education As a bad mistake Mid-week on the playing fields Sir thwacks you on the knees Knees you in the groin Elbow in the face Bruises bigger than dinner plates I wanna go home I don t want to stay Belligerent ghouls Run Manchester schools Spineless basta rds all Sir leads the troops Jealous of youth Same old jokes since 1902 He does the military two-step down the nape of my neck I wanna go home I don t want to stay Give up life As a bad mistake Please excuse me from gym ve got this terrible cold coming on He grabs and devours He kicks me in the showers Kicks me in the showers And he grabs and devours I wanna go home I don t want to stay I talk of freedom You talk of the flag I talk of revolution d much rather brag And as the decibels of this disnchanting discourse Continue to dampen the day The coin flips again, and again, and again And again as our sanity walks away All this discussion Though politically correct Is dead beyond distruction Though it leaves me quite erect And as the final sunset falls behind the Earth And the clock is finally dead ll look at you, you ll look at me And we ll cry a lot But this will BRbe what we said This will be what we said Look where all this talking got us, baby rest} stops stationu juts` yesterday's sunset` keepd keeps` kicksk kicks showersk kill{ killedm kindt kindlye kiss| kissedx kissesy kitchent kitchen aromas aren't every homelyt kneel| kneesk knees groink leadx leadsk learn| learnedx leaveM leave hearse behindM leavesi leaves standing stationu leftM there beachy lepersw light lover tonightv about things| lets{ lewisa liar{ liedy lifew lift| light nights| light nights| lightf lightninga lightning crashes mother criesa lightning crashes mother diesa lightning crashes mother diesa likeM needs bicycle} tonight{ rollin thunder chasing winda screaming flowerz see-through dressz liked` lined lipsx listen` listen little lived liveso living| lonelyo long_ loninessh lonlinessh looki gotta where talking babyi looked` looks lose} losinge loude loveM higher templew blindness clockworks drowning measure_ medicineh meek^ megaphonee meltv messiahf mesure_ mightb minde minez missx mistaken` momenta moments` moneyh moon{ morev gonna woman will} black~ stationu hanging readyu i've^ before^ terrible coming often tried happen other people's liveso read^ ideas idiocyn stagef could rearrange{ jumped parachutesl there church could receive there could believe stagef stagef don't close thinkx impressedm crowded street parked m ready Ready for the laughing gas m ready Ready for what s next Ready to duck Ready to dive Ready to say m glad to be alive m ready Ready for the push In the cool of the night In the warmth of the breeze ll be crawling around On my hands and knees s just down the line...Zoo Station Got to make it on time...Zoo Station m ready Ready for the gridlock m ready To take it to the street Ready for the shuffle Ready for the deal Ready to let go Of the steering wheel m ready Ready for the crush Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright s alright...it s alright..it s alright...it s alright Hey baby...hey baby...hey baby...hey baby... s alright s alright Time is a train Makes the future the past Leaves you standing in the station Your face pushed up against the glass m just down the line from your love...Zoo Station Under the sign of your love...Zoo Station m gonna be there...Zoo Station Tracing the line...Zoo Station m gonna make it one tim CMe...make it on time...Zoo Station Just two stops down the line...Zoo Station Even Better Than The Real ThingD 3:42O Give me one more chance And you ll be satisfied Give me two more chances You won t be denied Well my heart is where it s always been My head is somewhere in between Give me one more chance Let me be your lover tonight (Check it out) re the real thing Yeah, the real thing re the real thing Even better than the real thing Give me one more chance And I m gonna make you sing Give me half a chance To ride on the waves that you bring re honey child to a swarm of bees Gonna blow 4:36O Is it getting better Or do you feel the same Will it make it easier on you Now that you got someone to blame You say One love One life When it s one need In the night s one love We get to share it It leaves you baby If you don t care for it Did I disappoint you? Or leave a bad taste in your mouth? You act like you never had love And you want me to go without Well it s too late Tonight To drag the past out Into the light re one But we re not the same We get to carry each other Until The End Of The WorldD 4:38O 9C!Who s Gonna Ride Your Wild HorsesD 5:17O So CruelD 5:49O The FlyD 4:29O Mysterious WaysD 4:04O =C*Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The WorldD 3:52O Ultraviolet (Light My Way)D 5:31O AcrobatD 4:30O right through you like a breeeze Give me one last chance ll slide down the surface of things re the real thing Yeah, the real thing re the real thing Even better than the real thing re free to fly the crimson sky The sun won t melt our wings tonight Oh now Here she comes Take me higher Take me higher Can you take me higher? Will you take me higher? re the real thing Yeah, the real thing re the real thing Even better than the real thing Even better than the real C%thing Even better than the real thing Until The End Of The WorldD 4:38O Haven t seen you in quite a while I was down the hold Just passing time Last time we met It was a low-lit room We were close together As bride and groom We ate the food We drank the wine Everybody having a good time Except you You were talking about the end of the world I took the money I spiked your drink You miss too much these days If you stop to think You lead me on With those innocent eyes And you know I love the element of surprise In the garden I was playing the tart I kissed yo Wur lips And broke your heart You, You were acting like it was the end of the world In my dream I was drowning in sarrows But my sarrows They learned to swim Surrounding me Going down on me Spilling over the brim In waves of regret Waves of joy I reached out for the one I tried to destroy You, you said you d wait Until the end of the world y each other Have you come here for forgiveness Have you come to raise the dead Have you come here to play Jesus To the lepers in your head Did I ask too much More than a lot You gave me nothing Now it s all I got re one But we re not the same We hurt each other Then we ll do it again You say Love is a temple Love a higher law Love is a temple Love the higher law You ask me to enter But then you make me crawl And I can t be holding on To what you got Whaen all you got is hurt love One blood One life You got to do what you should One life With each other Sisters Brothers One life But we re not the same We get to carry each other Carry each other 9C!Who s Gonna Ride Your Wild HorsesD 5:17O re dangerous, cause you re honest re dangerous, cause you don t know what you want Well you left my heart Empty as a vacant lot For any spirit to haunt Hey hey sha la la Hey hey re and accident Waiting to happen re a piece of glass Left there on the beach Well you tell me things I know you re not supposed to Then you leave me Just out of reach Hey hey sha la la Hey hey sha la la la s gonna ride your wild horses? s gonna drown in you blue sea? s gonna ride So CruelD 5:49O The FlyD 4:29O Mysterious WaysD 4:04O =C*Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The WorldD 3:52O Ultraviolet (Light My Way)D 5:31O AcrobatD 4:30O needs asprin paing quickly would inside child| turns tide| bitch enoughg bitch don't careg known child caref wears lovez she'dn she'd prophesisen she'll| she'll there| she'sa she's stationu she's slippy| she's wave| sheer{ sheetsM shepherdh shine{ shipse shitd shockq shoulde showersk shuffleu shutp shynessp sidel sidewalk} signu silence~ sincek sing^ leads troopsk thwacks kneesk sister| sisters sizzlingt skille skiny telling child{ someg fucking changeg someonew somethingz sometimes{ sometimes checking sometimes don't know~ your wild horses? s gonna fall at the foot of thee? Well you stole it Cause I needed the cash And you killed it Cause I needed revenge Well you lied to me Cause I asked you to Baby...can we still be friends? Hey hey sha la la Hey hey sha la la la s gonna ride your wild horses? s gonna drown in you blue sea? s gonna ride your wild horses? s gonna fall at the foot of thee? The deeper I spin The hunter will sin...for your ivory skin... Took a drive in the dirty rain To a place where the wind calls your name Under the trees the river laughing At you and me... Halluijah, heaven s white rose The doors you open I just can t close t turn around t turn around again t turn around Your gypsy heart t turn around t turn around again t turn around And don t look back Come on now love t you look back s gonna ride your wild horses? s gonna drown in you blue sea? s gonna taste your salt water kisses? s gonna take the DQplace of me? s gonna ride your wild horses? Who could tame the heart of thee? So CruelD 5:49O We crossed the line Who pushed you over? It doesn t matter to you It matters to me re cut adrift But still floating m only hanging on To watch you go down...my love I disappeared in you You disappeared from me I gave you everything you ever wanted It wasn t what you wanted The men who love you, you hate the most They pass right throuhg you like a ghost They look for you but your spirit is in the air Baby...you re nowhere You say in love there are no rules Sweetheart re so crue you've living underground| you've running away| you've tryin throw around world} you've tryin throw around world} you've trying throw around world} your_ anchor you've swept away_ pushed against glassu gypsy hearty hurts can't breathe} can't talk} light bulb~ yourself_ youthk Pro 3.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.1M% Desperation is a tender trap It gets you everytime You put your lips to her lips To stop the lie Her skin is pale like God s only dove Screams like an angel for your love Then she makes you watch her from above And you need her like a drug You say in love there are no rules Sweetheart re so cruel She wears my love Like a see-through dress Her lips say one thing Her movements something else Oh love Like a screaming flower Dying every hour And you don t know if it s fear or d esire Danger the drug that takes you higher? Head or heaven Fingers in the mine Her heart is racing...you can t keep up The night is bleeding like a cut Between the horses of love and lust We trampled underfoot You say in love there are no rules Sweetheart re so cruel To stay with you you I d be a fool Sweetheart re so cruel We crossed the line Who pushed you over? It doesn t matter to you It matters to me re cut adrift But still floating m only hanging on To watch you go universe{ unrulys unruly boyss unruly girlss untilb until until worldx vacanty veryo vision` visitsd voicee volunteeredb vulgarp waitx waitedp waitingy waiting happeny wakef walkl walked^ walksi wall^ waltzerl wannaf wanth wantedz warmh bodies senseh warmthu warning} wasn'tz watchz watchingl waterM water backed watinga wave| wavesv waves ways| aidsg large samef foodx crossed linez don't bother anyoned drank winex g Love, we shine like a A man will crawl Burning star On the sheer face of love We re fallin from Like a fly on a wall The sky...tonight s no secret at all s no secret that a conscience can sometimes be the past s no secret ambition bites the nails of success Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief All kill t heir inspiration and sing about the grief Low Voice Gospel Voice A man will rise Love, we shine like a A man will fall Burning star From the sheer face of love We re fallin from Like a fly on a wall The sky...tonight s no secret at all Oh yeah s no secret that the sta rs are falling from the sky The universe exploding cosa one man s lie Look I gotta go Yeah, I m running outta change There s a lot of things If I could I d rearrange Mysterious WaysD 4:04O Johnny take a walk With your sister the moon Let her pale light in To fill up the room ve been living underground Eating from a can ve been running away From what you don t understand s slippy re sliding down ll be there When you hit the ground s alright...It s alright...it s alright She moves in mysterous ways s alright...It s alright...it s alright She moves in mysterous ways Johnny take a dive With your sister in the rain Let talk about the things You can =C*Tryin To Throw Your Arms Around The WorldD 3:52O 6:00 in the morning re the last to hear the warning ve been tryin to throw you arms around the world ve been falling off the sidewalk Your lips move but you can t talk Tryin to throw your arms around the world m gonna run to you...run to you...be still m gonna run to you...run to you...woman I will Sunrise like a nosebleed Your head hurts and you can t breathe ve been tryin to throw your arms around the world How far you gonna go Before you lose your way back home? Ultraviolet (Light My Way)D 5:31O AcrobatD 4:30O explain To touch is to heal To hurt is to steal If you want to kiss the sky Better learn how to kneel...(on your knees boy) s the wave She turns the tide She sees the man inside the child s alright...It s alright...it s alright She moves in mysterous ways s alright...It s alright...it s alright She moves in mysterous ways s alright...It s alright...it s alright She moves in mysterous ways s alright...It s alright...it s alright Lift my days...light up my nights One day y ll look back And you ll see Where You were held now By this love While You could stand There And not move on this moment Follow this feeling s alright...It s alright...it s alright She moves in mysterous ways s alright...It s alright...it s alright We move through miracle days Spirit moves in mysterous ways She moves with it She moves with it Lift my days and light up my nights Ultraviolet (Light My Way)D 5:31O Sometimes I feel like I don t know Sometimes I feel like checking out I wanna get it wrong t always be strong And love it won t be long... Oh sugar t you cry Oh child Wipe the tears from your eyes You know I need you to be strong As the day is dark and the night is long Feel the trash You make me feel clean m in the black t see or be seen Baby baby baby light my way You bury your treasure Where it can t be found But your love is a secret s been passed around There is a silence that comes to a house Where no one can sleep I guess it s the price of love I know it s not cheap Baby baby baby light my way I remember When we could sleep on stones Now we lie together In whispers and moans When I was all messed up And heard and opera in my head Your love was like a light bulb Hanging over my head Baby baby baby Baby baby baby Baby baby baby light my way Baby baby baby Baby baby baby Baby baby baby light my way ve been trying to throw your arms around the world m gonna run to you...run to you...woman be still m gonna run to you...run to you...woman I will Nothin much to say I guess Just the same as all the rest Been trying to throw my arms around the world A woman needs a man Like a fish needs a bicycle When you re tyrin to throw your arms around the world m gonna run to you...run to you m gonna run to you...run to you m gonna run to you...run to you Woman be still...woman be C,still Be still...woman be still Woman I will there's things{ these_ these riches poorm theyd learned swimx spirit right throuhg ghostz secret something another person{ sometimes eclipsed moon{ thief{ thinge things_ thinkq thinkinge thirteen thisM beautiful creature symmerty people petsd AcrobatD 4:30O t believe what you hear t believe what you see If you just close your eyes You can feel the enemy When I first met you girl You had a fire in your soul What happened your face Of melting snow? Now it looks like this! And you can swallow Or you can spit You can throw it up Or choke on it And you can dream So dream out loud You know that your time is coming round ...don t let the bastards grind you down No nothing makes sence Nothing seems to fit I know you d hit out If you only Love Is BlindnessD 4:23O Love is blindness I don t want to see t you wrap the night Around me Take my heart Love is blindness In a parked car In a crowded street You see your love Made complete Thread is ripping The knot is slipping Love is blindness Love is clockworks And cold steel Fingers too numb to feel Squeeze the handle Blow out the candle Love is blindness Love is blindness I don t want to see t you wrap the night Around me Oh my love Blindness A little death Without mourning No call And no warB Baby...a dangerous idea That almost makes sense Love is drowning In a deep well All the secrets And no one to tell Take the money Honey Blindness Love is blindness I don t want to see t you wrap the night Around me Oh my love Blindness knew who to hit And I d join the movement If there was one that I could believe in Yeah I d break bread and wine If there was a church I could receive in Cause I need it now To take the cup To fill it up To drink it slow I can t let you go And I must be An acrobat To talk like this And act like that And you can dream So dream out loud ...don t let the bastards grind you down What are we going to do now it s all been said? No new ideas in the house, and every book has been read pnd I must be An acrobat To talk like this And act like that And you can dream So dream out loud And you can find Your own way out You can build And I can will And you can call I can t wait until You can stash And you can seize In dreams begin Responsibilities And I can love And I can love I know that the tide is turnin round ...don t let the bastards grind you down cannotf captainf caref carryw carry otherw carvet cashg catchesm catches biologym causen cause asked cause cause needed revengey cause needed cashy ceasede cementedk cemented mindsk centera chained_ chained fate_ chair^ chancev chancesv changeg chasinga cheap~ checkv check checking~ cheeryt childf choke christ^ church_ circlea cityf clean~ cleare clingn clocki clockworks closea closert closer comes creaming knifet closesa clubp clutchinge coini coldk coloreda before^ before doctor close doora before home} begin behindM beingc believe{ belligerentk belligerent ghoulsk belongsa belongs halla betterv better learn kneel knees betweenv between horses lustz beyondd beyond propertyd bicycle} biggerk biologym birkenhead bitchg bites{ black~ blamew bleedingz blindness bloodt blowv candle bluea boat_ bodiesh boneo booke booksn botherd boyss bragi braine brains_ brassl bread break` breathe} breathesM breeezev chancev chancesv changeg chasinga checkv check childf christ^ church_ circlea cityf cleare clocki closea closesa clutchinge coini coloreda remembering reading nicee looks someone blamew together~ nowherez oceanq shyness criminally vulgarp speedway operatorl melting murdert nothing paticularp steering wheelu oftenc ofyour` child~ hitler truthb lovez comin againa sugar~ yeah{ eyesh almighty fearh loniness comesh lonliness drivesh hands kneesu mentalitym sheer we're fallin from{ scared^ schoolgirll schoolsk scienceq scratchl scratch fountain scream^ screamingz screamsz screams angel lovez sease seatl seatso secret{ secrets already waited longp see-throughz seems seenf sees| seize self-validationm sence senseh sensesl sensibleq sentimental` aroundb setsa settles shake` sharew brought timeg famousl funnyl moves mysterous ways| moves sing^ sister| sisters skille skiny slidev sliding| slimeh slippy| smallere telling child{ someg fucking changeg someonew somethingz sometimes{ alonec thatM almost makes sense passed stormM deadn could that'sM that's passed around~ angel closes eyesa angel eyesa angel opens eyesa flips again again againi confusion confusion hersa crack heads street deeper spiny doors openy epherd won't leave aloneh fields fields tidec grass makes truth gonna worldf weavers street them_ there_ these_ theyd thinge things_ thinkinge thisM symmerty people petsd it's^ alrightu alright alright alright| alright alright alright alrightu easier great_ easier wise_ secret ambition bites nails success{ secret secret conscience sometimes past{ secret friend someone help{ secret won't believe anyone else{ secret world darkness tonight{ secret stars falling lovew distribution fearb burns^ makes dream^ wheel turns^ ivoryy jealousk jealous youthk jesusw johnny| johnny dive| johnny walk| jokesk justM built reachy passing timex who'sy who's gonna drown who's gonna theey who's gonna horsesy who's gonna place who's gonna taste water kissesy readn always always easier higherv willed^ winda winel winesb wingsv wipe~ tears eyes~ wise_ wishb with_ otherw medicine supposed those innocent eyesx words feeling discoveredh sister rain| sister moon| withoutw without mourning woman} woman still woman still} woman will} won't^ won't night worde wordse words feeling discoveredh words woreg don't wanna don't don't backy doneM doora doorsy double-bedm dovez downa neckk dragw drankx dream^ dreams dressz dressede dressed tonighte drinkx drivef drivesh drivingm dropq dropse droveo drowny drowningx drugz ducku dulledl dullingl dyingr dying every hourz eachd household applilanceq earlyn early deathn psed{ eden_ educationk elbowk elbow facek elementx elsez emptinessb emptyy empty vacant enemy engagementl enoughM enough changeg enterw erecti evena better thingv everm everyz every artist cannibal every thief{ everybodyx everybody having timex everybody'sg everybody's enoughg smoke cause hoping spiked drinkx freedomi revolutioni feeling drops voicee think about lifeq moneyx tried destroyx volunteered eyesb wanna bring captain lightf wanna dealf wanna feelf wanna wrong~ wanna homek wanna tonightf wanna can't havem holdx drowning sarrowsx playing tartx ransome here^ could laugho shock probably jumpq trousres worldq i'll_ along moment losing heade morning there thing reade loveb presence knuckles` presence struggle` come_ leave change behindg lovey can't comesh comfortingt comina comingk complete confusiona conscience{ consumedl containf continuei continue dampen coolu correcti cosa{ couldb could idiocyn crackd cradle_ crashesa crawlw crawlingu creamingt created` creaturet creekM criesa criminald criminallyp crimsonv cross^ crossedz crowd^ crowded cruelz crushu trousres queenq otter creek dampeni dangerz danger takes higherz dangerousy darko darkness{ daysh deadM dealf deathn decibelsi decidedn giveb glorya what'sM wheel^ whenM that's first messed needw brain taken overe could sleep stones~ ground| laugh about peopleo gonna happen you're tyrin throw around world} wheni'mq whereM where planb where beene where can't found~ where sleep~ whilex whinest whirlingl whispers~ whitey could heart theey lonelyo hears animals pushed overz settle downs won't^ worde wordse words feeling discoveredh words woreg readin losing heade readinge reading losing heade readyn ready crushu ready dealu ready gridlocku ready laughing ready pushu ready shuffleu ready what's nextu ready diveu ready ducku ready ready realv reallyl reaosnt rearrange{ reasont receive reflectM refrain epeat requiresl resolve_ responsibilities rest} revengey revolutioni richesm riddles_ ridev right^ ringl ripping rise{ riverM robeb rockf rollf rollina roomx rosey round rulesz manchester schoolsk runnin_ running{ sadnessM saide salty salwartm samef jokes since 1902k since 1962k sanityi sank_ sarrowsx satisfiedv save_ informatione innocentx inside| inspiration{ intentionsa into_ lightw invading` iris` tremulous heart requiresl beyond distructioni getting betterw science townq murdert succulent tasty nicet askings askings isn'to doesn't smileo doesn't matter everytimez known scream wall^ keeps invading private moments` leaves babyw matters needs cleare tattoed fromn low-lit roomx messiahf drove point homeo wasn't wantedz ssing timex stops stationu juts` information ceased linee skille tonighte gamee helping fierce stand final stand night fairl where sadness breathesM means really moment she's wating saidi thoseo thoughi though leaves quite erecti though politically correcti thread thread ripping threeM throughv throuhgz throw} thundera thwacksk taken hands tidec tillh timed trainu time'so time's smother Wryone goodg leave hearse behindM leave there yourself_ waves bringv foolz printe prisoner'sm private` probablyq profiteerh propertyd prophesisen pullina pushu pushedu putsa pyramidsb pyramids healing wines musician's faceb queenq quicklyl quitei racingz railwaym railway stationm rainy raisew raisedm raised prisoner's ransome^ rantingf ranting raving beauty awayf raped^ ratheri ravingf reachy reachedx reachinge reaching forward already theree read^ readine deepM enough diveM deepery degreeb deniedl desireo desperationz desperation tender trapz destroyx devoursk devoutl muchw disappoint diesa dinnerk dirtyy disappearedz disappointw discoursei discoveredh discussioni disguisedh disguised highh disnchantingi distributionb distructioni diveM sleepr animals passr doctora doesk doesn'tl doesn't thingl doingb don'td don't believe don't believe don't tonightf don't bastards grind don't aroundy don't around againy everybodyx everybody having timex everybody'sg everybody's enoughg gottad gotta gotta gotta townd gotta gotta gotta towned grabbedl grabsk grassd greasel great_ greatest_ greedyq gridlocku grief{ grind groink groomx groundb grows guess} guysM gypsyy haere hairg halfv half-dier halla halluijahy halluijah heaven's white rosey hand` handle handsu hangingz hanging head~ hangsl happeno happened happeningo happyn hardd preverted sentimental` hasn'tn hate` haunty have` forgivenessw jesusw raise deadw haven'tb haven't quite whilex havingx military two-stepk grabs devoursk kicks showersk killed policeman workinge worldf worshippedb woulde would theree would kindly would kindly cleare writtenm y'know don't walks room{ yeah_ break bread running outta change{ thingv yeah_ yesterday's` never lovew enterw treasure~ build enemy stash throw can't explain| could stand| disappeared nothingw shouldw strong~ coming round clean~ these daysx lipsz everyoneM everythinge everytimez exactlyp exceptx except excusek explain| exploding{ eyes_ faceb facingb fairl faithl falla fallin{ falling{ fallsa fameb familyg famousl fancifullyt fate_ fear^ this_ feeblef feela trash~ feelinge felix` feltq festivelyt fieldsc fiercer fill| finali finallyi fingersz fingers minez fingers first fish} flagi flame^ flankedM flavort flesht flipsi floatingz floora flowerz follow| follow feeling| foode foolz footy spirit haunty profiteerh felix truth always break someone falls love@ there's things@ secret something another person information ceased line@ leave hearse behind street@ universe@ carry other@ we're crimson we're talkin anchors talkin ships@ what's@ who's@ wild@ working@ wrong@ you've living underground@ clutching megaphone pointed heade crawling aroundu you'll eyes_ aliveu gonna there stationu gonna stationu gonna gonna still} gonna woman still} hanging readyu i've^ before^ often tried talked know^ willed walked read^ stagef could rearrange{ stagef stagef don't thinkx warmth breezeu head` bloodw you'll back| lifew lovew only_ opena opensa opera~ operatorl leave taste mouthw otherc otterM waterc water angelsc otherc ourselvesd outta{ overc drive swearf paing palea colored presents circlea passz passedM passingx pasth perfect tenseh downc peopled people perfecth person{ petsd pickb groundb piecey pinnedc pinned abusedc placeb placentaa planb playw playingx poet{ pointede politicallyi presence` presentsa preverted` we're talkin anchors talkin shipse we're talkin we're talkin everything neede we'veg we've stick togetherg wearsz weaversd wello wonderr afraido suddenly struck latew heart where always beenv exactly meanp hearty stole thingsy werex whaenw whaen hurtw whatb going happened saidn might already haveb saidn doing hereb hookf hopep hopingn horsesy hourz house~ householdq someone hasn't notciedn gonna humanp huntery hurtw hurts} alone alone tempt means slender meansq human lovedp can't can't remember can't shake can't until disappeared don't suspect you'll thinkinge don't don't stayk everything wantedz cheap~ turnin round you'd you're supposed liked looked` liked looked head` might reached remember~ felix truth always break girl's familyg hunter ivory skiny slipping night fairl mailman visits timed mailman visits turnd moutht mostz night bleeding needyq print smaller grasse sadness everyoneM shepherd daysh shepherd won't leave aloneh fields fields tidec won't wings tonightv grass makes truth gonna worldf universe exploding man's weavers street theey theiro their desire them_ thenl makes watch abovez ilence comes house~ there's{ eople petsd we'll train wheni'm funky barrette hairg dream seize swallow don't desirez killed element surprisex leave drugz withoutw you'll satisfiedv you'll angela angelsc animalst another{ antse anymoreo anyoned appealsq applilanceq machines moneyh slefish greedy termsq aren'tt armies` arms} aromast aroundb around artist{ mistakek bride groomx morninge mostz mothera mother'sl mourning mouthp move| movement movementsz moves| movingh moving slimeh muche murdert musician'sb musts taken hands emptiness built altarb faith still devoutl somewhere betweenv myselfb mysterous| nailsm name^ napek naturalq natural emotionq nextu nicee nightl nights| ideas house every nothing makes sence nosebleed} askin where abouts where you'll notciedn nothin} nothin guess} nothingp nothing seems somewherev soundq space_ speedwayl spikedx spillingx spilling brimx spinb spinelessk spineless bastards spineless swinesk spirity spirit moves mysterous ways| squeeze squeeze handle stabbedl stagef standp standingu star{ stars{ starth stash stationm stayk steal| steel steeringu stencht stickg stilll stoley stones~ stopx stopsu stormM strangec streetd oundingx surrounding suspecte swallow swarmv swearf sweetheart swept_ swimx symmertyd takeu higherv heart takene takesz takinh talki talked^ talkine talkingi talld tamey tartx tastew teachers_ tears~ telle telling{ templew tempt_ tenderz tenseh thanc alonec streetu lepers headw river flanked loveM touch heal| watch lovez togetherg tonighte tookM drive dirty rainy touch| toughm townd towned tracingu tracing stationu trainq traitl trampledz trapz trash~ treasure~ tree` treesM tremulousl triedc troopsk trousresq truth` tryin} tryin throw around world} trying} turkeyt turnd turnin turns^ two-stepk tyrin} underu under stationu under trees river laughingy underfootz underground| understand| unholyt large samef foodx don't bother anyoned drank winex breezeu bridex brimx bringf brokex brothers broughtg bruisesk bruises bigger dinner platesk brun^ build builtM bulb~ burn_ burning{ burns^ buryn don't booke won't theree sarrowsx still floatingz isn't funny anymoreo beauty vision alone` rejection she's crawlw saidi we're samew words feeble cannot containf secret~ wheel generatorl love| calft callsy higherv can't` can't always strong~ can't seen~ candle cannibal{ chinge coini coloreda being strangec changeg forcesa forces pullin center earth againa foremanh foreverb forgivenessw forgotb forwarde found~ fountainl freev freedomi friend{ friendsy fromM whirling waltzerl sheer we're fallin from{ don't understand| fuckingg funkyg funnyl futureu gamee gardenx gaspingr gasping somehow still aliver gasping dying somehow still aliver gavew generatorl getsz gettingw ghostz ghoulsk girl'sg girlss giveb chancev chancev chancev chancesv through breeezev goodg gospel{ megaphone pointed stationu stretcher treesM dreams begin dreamx place facing nightu gardenx moment losing heade morning there thing reade loveb nightw oceanq presence knuckles` presence struggle` warmth breezeu waves regretx whispers moans~ carry otherw share otherw ourselvesd resolve_ through miracle days| three threeM sheetsM trampled underfootz close togetherx we'lli we'll slide surface thingsv we'ree we're adriftz we're crimson we're we're takin timeh there rulesz should working should knowo mouthp flagi talking about worldx won't deniedv you'd waitx acting worldx you'di you'd rather bragi you'll_ you'll you'rev you're piece glassy you're accidenty you're dangerous cause don't wanty you're dangerous cause you're honesty you're honey child swarm beesv you're sliding down| you're cruelz you're warning} you're thingv you've_ you've falling sidewalk} he'sh head` heavenz headsd headyn heal| healingb hearr heard~ hearseM hearth heavenz heaven'sy heavyl heirp held| help{ helpingb heart racing can't intentions floora thingz movements something elsez placenta falls floora god's dovez skirt ascends watching hereM comesv hersa hesitate_ babyu criminald won't raped^ won't scared that^ hidea hideousl highh higherv hitlerb holdc holdingw holyh homek honesty honeyv Rusholme RuffiansD 4:19O The Smiths The last night at the fair By the big wheel generator A boy is stabbed And his mony is grabbed And the air hangs heavy like a dulling wine She is famous She is funny An engagement ring Doesn t mean a thing To a mind consumed by brass (money) And though I walk home alone My faith in love is still devout The last night at the fair From a seat on a whirling waltzer Her skirt ascends for a watching eye s a hideous trait (on her mother s side) From a seat on a whirling waltzer Her skirt asc I Want The One I Can t HaveD 3:13O The Smiths What She SaidD 2:40O The Smiths That Joke Isn t Funny AnymoreD 4:57O The Smiths How Soon Is Now ?D 6:43O The Smiths Nowhere FastD 2:35O The Smiths Well I WonderD 4:00O The Smiths Barbarism Begins At HomeD 6:55O The Smiths Meat Is MurderD 6:02O The Smiths Zoo StationD 4:36O educationk lifek gladu glassu glorya foreman profiteerh knows readyn god'sz goesq goingx going gonep gonnaf gonna right through breeezev goodg gospel{ megaphone pointed stationu knifet know^ known^ knowsn knuckles` largef lastl latew laugho laughingu leadx leadsk learn| learnedx leathero leaveM leave hearse behindM leavesi leaves standing stationu leftM there beachy lepersw light lover tonightv about things| lets{ lewisa liar{ liedy lifek lift| light nights| light nights| lightf lightninga lightning crashes mother criesa lightning crashes mother diesa lightning crashes mother diesa grabs devoursk I Want The One I Can t HaveD 3:13O The Smiths On the day that your mentality Catches up with your biology I want the one I can t have And it s driving me mad s written all over my face (repeat) A double-bed And a salwart lover, for sure These are the riches of the poor A double-bed And a salwart lover, for sure These are the riches of the poor (refrain) A tough kid who sometimes swallows nails Raised on Prisoner s Aid He killed a policeman when he was Thirteen And somehow that really impressed s written all over my faceB On the day that your mentality Catches up with your biology And if you ever need self-validation Just meet me in the alley by the Railway station s written all over my face Well I WonderD 4:00O The Smiths Barbarism Begins At HomeD 6:55O The Smiths Meat Is MurderD 6:02O The Smiths Zoo StationD 4:36O ends for a watching eye s a hideous trait (on her mother s side) And though I walk home alone My faith in love is still devout Then someone falls in love And someone s beaten up And the senses being dulled are mine And someone falls in love And someone s beaten up And the senses being dulled are mine And though I walk home alone My faith in love is still devout This is the last night of the fair And the grease in the hair Of a speedway operator Is all tremulous heart requires A schoolgi rl is denied She said: How quickly would I die If I jumped from the top of the parachutes? This is the last night of the fair And the grease in the hair Of a speedway operator Is all tremulous heart requires A schoolgirl is denied She said: How quickly would I die If I jumped from the top of the parachutes? Scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen (this means you really love me) Scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen (this means you really love me) And though I walk h D,ome alone My faith in love is still devout crack heads salwart lover surem again sanity walks awayi gonep decibels disnchanting discoursei final sunset falls behind earthi broke heartx steel death reaosn murdert death reasont death reason murdert decided don't backy can't holding forgot nameb cling somethingn think about deathq hearth movement gonna singv worshipped myself foreverb self-validationm driving boneo leave there yourself_ won't long~ measure these things eyes_ mesure these things brains_ mistaken love` can't start deadh neither particularly appeals warning moment| happening mineo those leather seatso glory hidea senses being dulled minel right wrong^ consumed brass moneyl place where calls namey cradle space_ drink room| steal| leave change everyone goodg leave hearse behindM leave there yourself_ pretend happyn really really eyesn waves bringv foolz though alonel crowd name^ christ cross^ flame^ chair^ strong^ right wrong^ we'll night long@ trying throw around world before@ breeze@ cannot@ come@ deep@ don't wanna earn@ everyone@ being strange@ education@ gotta@ he's@ hear} hook@ about things wrong clutching megaphone pointed head@ gonna woman will@ talked know@ stretcher trees@ information@ it's@ alright@ ivory@ rest@ yesterday's sunset knew@ like@ rollin thunder chasing higher morning@ near@ head@ parked@ pretend@ price print@ readin losing head@ regret@ skirtl sleepr slefishq slenderq slicet slidev sliding| slimeh slipping slippy| smallere smileo smoken smothero dream telling child{ stand someg fucking changeg somebodyp somehowm someonel someone'sl somethingn sometimesm sometimes checking sometimes don't know~ it'su hideous trait mother's sidel alright| alright alright alright alrightu easier great_ easier wise_ secret ambition bites nails success{ secret secret conscience sometimes past{ secret friend someone help{ secret won't believe anyone else{ secret world darkness tonight{ secret stars falling lovew distribution fearb burns^ makes dream^ wheel turns^ ivoryy jealousk jealous youthk jesusw johnny| johnny dive| johnny walk| jokesk justM built reachy passing timex alrightu alright alright alright| alright alright alright alrightu death reasont easier great_ easier wise_ secret ambition bites nails success{ secret secret conscience sometimes past{ secret friend someone help{ secret won't believe anyone else{ secret world darkness tonight{ secret stars falling comforting cheery kindt natural normal kindt lovew sizzling blood unholy stencht soundq distribution fearb burns^ makes dream^ wheel turns^ close homeo written facem reachy passing timex someone falls lovel we'll againw leave there_ there silence comes house~ there'sp What She SaidD 2:40O The Smiths What she said: How come someone hasn t notcied That I m dead And decided to bury me God knows, I m ready What she said was sad But then, all the rejection she s had To pretend to be happy Could only be idiocy What she said was not for the job or Lover that she never had Wht she read All heady books d sit and prophesise (It took a tattoed boy from Birkenhead To really really open her eyes) Wht she read All heady books d sit and prophesise (It took a tattoed boy from BirkenheaB To really really open her eyes) What he said: I smoke cause I m hoping for an early death AND I NEED TO CLING TO SOMETHING! What she said: I smoke cause I m hoping for an early death AND I NEED TO CLING TO SOMETHING! Meat Is MurderD 6:02O The Smiths Zoo StationD 4:36O ivoryy jealousk jealous youthk jesusw johnny| johnny dive| johnny walk| jokeo jokesk jumpq jumpedl justM everybody doesp built alley reachy passing timex regretx rejectionn remembere rememberinge repeat requiresl resolve_ responsibilities rest} revengey revolutioni richesm riddles_ ridev right^ ringl ripping rise{ riverM roado robeb rockf rollf rollina roomx rosey round rulesz manchester schoolsk runnin_ running{ sadnessM saide salty salwartm samef jokes since 1902k since 1962k sanityi sank_ sarrowsx satisfiedv save_ savort scared@ needs asprin pain@ skirt@ somewhere@ stretcher@ that@ confusion tough sometimes swallows nailsm woman needs abouto aboutse abovez abusedc accidenty somehow really impressedm someone falls lovel someone's beaten hangs heavy dulling winel armies armies created` carve smilet clock finally deadi flesh fancifully flesh fancifully grease hairl greatest teachers won't hesitate_ heirp ofyour always shake senses being dulled minel turkey festively slicet That Joke Isn t Funny AnymoreD 4:57O The Smiths Park the car at the side of the road You should know s tide will smother you And I will too When you laugh about people Who feel so very lonely Their only desire is to die Well I m afraid It doesn t make me smile I wish I could laugh But that joke isn t funny anymore s too close to home And it s too near the bone s too close to home And it s too near the bone More than you ll ever know It was dark as I drove the point home And on those cold leather seats Well, it suddenly sB truck me I might just die With a smile on my face After all ve seen this happen in other people s lives And now, it s happening in mine How Soon Is Now ?D 6:43O The Smiths Nowhere FastD 2:35O The Smiths Well I WonderD 4:00O The Smiths Barbarism Begins At HomeD 6:55O The Smiths Meat Is MurderD 6:02O The Smiths Zoo StationD 4:36O pretendn preverted` price~ wildy will^ always always easier higherv willed^ winda winel winesb wingsv wipe~ tears eyes~ wise_ wishb with_ smile faceo otherw medicine supposed those innocent eyesx words feeling discoveredh sister rain| sister moon| withoutw without mourning woman} woman still woman still} woman will} won't^ won't night wonderr worde wordse words feeling discoveredh words woreg earn^ eartha easier_ eating| eating eclipsed{ eden_ educationk elbowk elbow facek elementx elsep emotionq emptinessb emptyy empty vacant enemy engagementl enoughM enough changeg enterw erecti evena better thingv everm everyq every artist cannibal every thief{ every sensible child meansq everybodyp everybody having timex everybody'sg everybody's enoughg parked particularlyq passr passedM passingx pasth perfect tenseh paticularp downc peopled people people'so perfecth person{ petsd pickb groundb piecey pinnedc pinned abusedc placeb placentaa planb platesk playw playingk pleasek please excuse please mindr poet{ pointo pointede policemanm politicallyi poorm presence` presentsa talked know^ willed walked read^ ideas idiocyn stagef could rearrange{ jumped parachutesl there church could receive there could believe there's you'd stagef stagef don't close thinkx impressedm crowded street parked Nowhere FastD 2:35O The Smiths d like to drop my trousres to the world I am a man of means (of slender means) Each household applilance Is like a new science in my town And if the day can when I felt a Natural emotion d get such a shock I d probably jump In the ocean And when a train goes by s such a sad sound d like to drop my trousres to the Queen Every sensible child will know what this means The poor and the needy Are slefish and greedy on her terms And if the day can when I felt a Natural emotion d get ^ such a shock I d probably jump In the ocean And when a train goes by s such a sad sound And whenI m in my bed I think about life And I think about death And neither one particularly appeals to me And if the day can when I felt a Natural emotion d get such a shock I d probably jump In the ocean And when a train goes by s such a sad sound I am the son And the heir Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar I am the son And the heir Of nothing in paticular You shut your mouth How can you say I go about things the wrong way I am human and I need to be loved Just like everybody else does I am the son And the heir Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar I am the son And the heir Of nothing in paticular You shut your mouth How can you say I go about things the wrong way I am human and I need to be loved Just like everybody else do If there s a club and you d like to go You could meet somebody who really loves you So you go, and you stand on your own And you leave on your own And you go home, and you cry And you want to die When you say it s gonna happen Well, when exactly do you mean? See, I ve already waited too long And all my hope is gone about things wrong guess price love~ half-dier haven't degreeb hoarsely can't closey kissed lipsx cheap~ turnin round you'd you're supposed liked looked` liked looked head` might reached remember~ Well I WonderD 4:00O The Smiths TWell I wonder Do you hear me when you sleep? I hoarsely cry Well I wonder Do you see me when we pass? I half-die Please keep me in mind Please keep me in mind Gasping - but somehow still alive This is the fierce last stand of all I am Gasping - dying - but somehow still alive This is the final stand of all I am Please keep me in mind Barbarism Begins At HomeD 6:55O The SmithsP Unruly boys Who will not grow up Must be taken in hand Unruly girls Who will not settle down Thy must be taken in hand A crack on the head Is what you get for not asking And a crack on the head Is what you get for asking Meat Is MurderD 6:02O The Smiths Zoo StationD 4:36O nearo neckk need_ neededy needse needyq neitherq nevern nextu nicee nightl nights| ideas house every murdert nothing makes sence normalt nosebleed} askin where abouts where you'll notciedn nothin} nothin guess} nothingp nothing seems hear} heard~ hearst hearseM hearth heavenz heaven'sy heavyl heifert heifer whines could human criest heirp held| help{ helpingb heart racing can't intentions floora thingz movements something elsez placenta falls floora god's dovez skirt ascends watching hereM comesv hersa hesitate_ babyu criminald won't raped^ won't scared that^ hidea hideousl highh higherv hitlerb hoarselyr holdc holdingw holyh homek homelyt honesty honeyv loniness comesh lonliness drivesh hands kneesu mentalitym sheer we're fallin from{ head@ parked@ pretend@ price print@ readin losing head@ regret@ Zoo StationD 4:36O Heifer whines could be human cries Closer comes the creaming knife This beautiful creature must die This beautiful creature must die And death for no reason And death for no reason is MURDER And the flesh that you so fancifully fry Is not succulent, tasty or nice s death for no reason And death for no reaosn is MURDER And the calf that you carve with a smile Is MURDER And the turkey you festively slice Is MURDER Do you know how animals die? Kitchen aromas aren t every homely comforting. cheery or kind s sizzling blood and the unholy stench Of MURDER s not natural, normal or kind And the flesh you so fancifully fry The meat in your mouth As you savor the flavor Of MURDER NO, NO, NO, IT S MURDER NO, NO, NO, IT S MURDER Who hears when animals cry?